Support our work

At SWI we undertake pathbreaking investigations into corruption and the arms trade to reveal who is profiting from the neverending cycle of war and hold them to account. 

Your donation helps us

  • Organize free and low-cost events and publications to educate about the arms trade
  • Give free support to journalists, activists and whistleblowers
  • Offset essential research costs, including for our next book on who profits from the genocide in Gaza and war in Yemen
  • Making sure corruption doesn’t pay by going after stolen money

We give back to you: See benefits of becoming a regular donor below and learn more about our how our work makes a change.

Honouring Our Friends of SWI

Any donation means a lot to us, but we especially value regular donations. Because of this, we want to show our thanks to our regular supporters by:

1. Donations £5/month or 60 GBP/Year

  • You are invited! To join us for an online meeting of the Friends of SWI where we discuss ongoing projects and where you can ask questions about the issues that concern you as well as our work happening twice a year.

2. Donations £10/month or 120 GBP/Year

  • Get your signed book copy! we will send you a free copy of our latest book “Monstrous Anger of the Guns” signed by editors Rhona Michie and Andrew Feinstein (sent after your second donation). We cover shipping in the UK, or we can send the books internationally for the cost of shipping.
  • You are invited! You too are invited to join us for an online meeting of the Friends of SWI where we discuss ongoing projects and where you can ask questions about the issues that concern you as well as our work happening twice a year.

3. Donations £20/month and above or 240 GBP/Year

  • All the perks of the other tiers, including event invitations and signed book copies.
  • Learn our methods! Join an exclusive guided investigation where we explain our key methods and resources. 
  • Recognition: have the option to be named as a friend of SWI on our website

Disclaimer: By making a donation you agree to be added to our email list, you can unsubscribe at any time. We need to collect your email address to give you your benefits.

How We Make a Change…

  • We investigate and hold to account
    • We recently revealed that Keir Starmer’s Labour Party received £4 million from a hedge fund invested in companies that make the F-35 fighter jets. This is the jet used by Israel in airstrikes on Gaza, including on a humanitarian zone, that the Labour government has chosen to exempt from its arms export ban. We reveal and highlight extensive information on corruption in the arms trade. We actively pursue routes of legal and public accountability, particularly through strategic litigation and People’s Tribunals. We lend our expertise to support journalists and whistleblowers and to defend arrested activists.
  • We help mobilise movements
    • We use our work and methods actively to empower individuals and communities to take action, and we amplify the work of others in doing so. For example, our latest book Monstrous Anger of the Guns: How the Global Arms Trade is Ruining the World and What We Can Do About It showcases diverse ways communities have taken action against the arms trade: we are now doing several events a week to share these campaigns with as many people as possible!
  • We advocate for change
    • Preventing harm from the joint ills of militarism and corruption will require broad global transformation. But we are also exerting pressure in the here and now. Our work has been part of the campaign that achieved a partial ban on arms export licenses to Israel – and we are now working to push that ban further. We also continue to draw attention to the “forgotten” war in Yemen and contribute to accountability for those affected by the complicity of western governments